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Case Study

Digitizing client business projection

Accenture transforms the account-level forecasting process with an always-on, single-sourced digital platform solution.

Call for change

"Our objective was to shift from existing manual and offline client team forecasting to a secure, automated and real-time projection capability, with new insights and easy to leverage for both the client account teams and Accenture’s management."

— Greg Giesler, Managing Director – Finance

When tech meets human ingenuity

A valuable difference

"Client Business Projection is a step change in the way client account team users prepare, review and use business performance analysis. It is not a tool, it is the tool that helps client teams manage their business."

— Domingo Mirón, Group Chief Officer – Financial Services

Data and insights

Data captured generates business indicators, trends and insights quickly—driving value to the business through fast data for faster decisions.


Leveraging the value of digital platforms by connecting assets, enabling automation and a foundation for the future.


Contract and sales data is available at any time for analysis, insights and business decision making.


Data is transparent to the client account and portfolio teams, which enables team communications and forward-thinking strategic and tactical actions.


As projection inputs are immediately visible there is an increased focus on data accuracy leading to an overall improvement in projection reliability.


Monthly financial process automation and data population greatly eliminate manual offline efforts, enabling teams to focus on analysis and action.

Meet the team

Shane Marshall

Managing Director – Global IT, Client & Market Technology

Judith Hayward

Managing Director – Finance Global Programs, Accenture
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