Monday, September 27, 2021
11:00 am – 12:15 pm
AVEnueS: Using tech to tackle implicit bias in service delivery
Molly Tierney, Managing Director, Child Welfare, Accenture
Michael McAfee, CEO of PolicyLink
How can we take on implicit bias without putting families and children at greater risk? The answer could be using virtual reality technology to replicate experiences caseworkers have in the field. Seven jurisdictions are already using the Accenture Virtual Experience Solution (AVEnueS) to support recruitment and retention and bolster caseworker confidence. Now Accenture has a new scenario devoted specifically to the issue of race equity. Learn how this scenario helps users reflect on how their own bias affects decision making. Hear what cumulative user data can teach us about moments when decision making falls along a color line. In short, discover how AVEnueS uses tech to shift the way an entire field of work impacts black and brown children across the country.