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Columbus Innovation Hub

Accelerating innovation

Xtreme Programming with Nationwide

Building for your future

Software co-creation

We build great software with you. Our teams pair one-to-one across disciplines—and your people get to learn the latest delivery techniques.

Accelerated delivery

We apply extreme programming techniques to develop working software for you at amazing speed. Development time? Think weeks, not months.

Application transformation

You want to modernize and mitigate your current applications to the cloud? We’re the best people to help.

Innovation academies

We’ll help your team learn modern engineering practices through our workshops in Agile, DevOps, cloud native development and more.

Accenture Pivotal Business Group

We’re the U.S. home for the Accenture Pivotal Business Group, helping companies accelerate cloud native application development.


Amazon Web Services launchpad

Want to get more from AWS? Right here in our Hub, you’ll get direct access to AWS experts, demos and learning opportunities.

What we think

Total Enterprise Reinvention

The strategy that leads to a new performance frontier.

Enterprise agility in financial services

Enterprise agility delivers better financial results and long-term competitive advantage.

Agile development practices for large enterprises

Find out why Pivotal and Accenture joined forces to deliver scale and speed to clients.

Our leaders

Shiv Iyer

Market Unit Lead – US Midwest

Paula O’Reilly

Senior Managing Director, Office Managing Director – Columbus

David Kise

Innovation Hub Managing Director

Ryan Johnson

Software Engineering Practice Lead

Where to find us