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Federal Cybersecurity

September 3-6 | Washington, DC

15th Annual Billington Cybersecurity Summit

The Billington Cybersecurity Summit is the leading government cybersecurity summit. This year, the summit will explore the increasing impact AI is having on the cyber world.

Accenture Federal Services @ Billington Cybersecurity Summit

AI impacts the cyber world in a multitude of ways, from transforming the identification of bad actors to redefining the technical workforce by integrating data science and cybersecurity.

These implications require leaders to innovate and protect using next-generation cybersecurity strategies.

At Billington, we will address the impact of AI, together with government and industry leaders, by defining actionable steps to advance cyber missions.

Tuesday, September 3

This panel, moderated by Mandy Satterwhite and featuring a lineup of cybersecurity experts, will explore the latest advancements in AI to stay one step ahead of bad actors.

Wednesday, September 4

Our Chief AI Officer, Denise Zheng, will join a panel of top AI experts to discuss various ways in which AI can help organizations understand and manage their potential vulnerabilities.

Thursday, September 5

Denis Wane will moderate a panel that delves into effective strategies for planning, implementing and managing the shared responsibilities essential to successful cloud migration.

Friday, September 6

In this Fireside Chat, Denise Zheng will discuss with a senior Department of Defense official the DOD’s AI journey moving its program towards enhanced insights and efficiencies and the key lessons learned along the way.

Who is going to be there?

Rick Driggers

Managing Director – Accenture Federal Services, Cyber Practice Lead

Amanda Satterwhite

Managing Director – Accenture Federal Services, Cyber Growth Lead

Denis Wane

Managing Director – Accenture Federal Services, Civilian Cloud Lead

Denise Zheng

Chief AI Officer and Data & AI Practice Lead