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Working Student Design Automation (all genders)

Hamburg Job No. r00173864 Internship


With your help we can create visually appealing designs and automate software processes: Join our Design Automation team and combine your design and technology skills.

Your mission

Your mission as a working student in design and software automation will be to support our design and development teams in creating user-friendly interfaces, designing captivating visuals, and automating various software processes. You will be responsible for contributing to the development of software automation solutions that streamline workflow and enhance efficiency while ensuring a seamless user experience. Through your work, you will help drive innovation and contribute to the overall success of our projects.

At Accenture, you create an environment for you to flourish in – employing methods that align seamlessly with what you want to achieve in your career. You remain flexible as part of a team full of unique people who make a difference together. 

Your daily work

  • Collaborate with Design and Development Teams

    You will work closely with designers and developers to understand our projects and goals in order to participate in brainstorming sessions. You will contribute with creative design ideas and automation solutions. We also look forward to hearing your constructive feedback in our design reviews.

  • Software Automation

    You identify areas within the design and development workflows, that can be automated and develop scrips or utilize existing automation tools to automate repetitive tasks, data processing and quality assurance. To increase our efficiency, you will research and evaluate new automation tools, frameworks, and methodologies.

  • Testing and Quality Assurance

    You assist in testing new software applications to ensure they meet functional and visual requirements. You will also be responsible for performing thorough quality assurance reviews to identify and resolve design or automation issues.

  • Documentation and Reporting

    You will document our design process, automation workflows and best practices for our future references. For the reviews for our team, you will also create reports and presentations about our design and automation projects.

  • Continuous Learning and Improvement

    By working closely with our team, you will stay up to date with design trends, software automation techniques and industry advancements. In addition, you can continuously develop professionally and personally by participating in workshops, webinars, and relevant industry events. By sharing your knowledge and insights with other teammates, you'll foster our culture of continuous learning and improvement.


Who you are

  • You are enrolled at a university and studying in the engineering field.

  • You have already gained first experiences in object-oriented programming with Catia automation and a good knowledge of Catia V5.

  • You are familiar with software development process and language (C# / C++ / VB).

  • You are motivated to learn new things and have great interest in technologies.

  • You also have good communication skills and like to share your innovative ideas.

What we offer

  • Extensive offerings for continuing education and training.

  • A referral program with a lucrative bonus for recommending new colleagues.

  • Worthwhile corporate benefits, for example for hotel bookings and online stores.

  • Attractive career opportunities.

  • A work culture that promotes diversity and inclusion.

Life at Accenture 

In this role, you’ll be part of Accenture Industry X. Connecting #engineering and #manufacturing with data and technology, we help our customers realign their product and value chains. 

With smart factories, digital twins, and networked manufacturing processes, we support them in embracing the future. 

The Accenture culture: Here, YOU are the catalyst for change  

Your unique combination of skills, personality, and aspirations sets you apart. When distinct talents, strengths, and perspectives merge, the result is nothing short of extraordinary: ideas that propel the world forward. This is we champion diversity and personal development at Accenture. Create a working environment where you truly thrive; with responsibilities that resonate deeply; with a workload that is perfectly aligned with your capabilities; and methods that are tailored to your objectives. How you wish to connect, further your development, and personally evolve rests in your hands. This is your career. We are mere facilitators, helping you shape it exactly as you envision. 

Contact us 

Any questions? Then contact Kanika via email at  

We look forward to receiving your application! 

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