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Digital Finance Transformation Manager/Senior Manager - Intelligent Consulting Hub

multiple locations +VEDI TUTTI GLI ARTICOLI Job No. r00153515 Full-time

Lavora Al Cuore Del Cambiamento

At Accenture, you'll take your innovative vision to the heart of change, working with the world's leading companies to transform entire market sectors. Shape the future of business and technology by developing cutting-edge solutions that generate new value.

Your Role and Perspectives:

Intelligent Consulting Hub professionals support consulting teams in Europe to deliver cutting-edge expertise and measurable value to Accenture clients worldwide.

Join our international network of consulting talent in Digital Finance Transformation. You will join a global network of more than 3,000 professionals, providing specialized consulting support from key locations across Europe. You will work with innovative technologies on exciting projects to deliver functional and technical expertise that promotes client value.

Specifically, you will be able to:

  • Delve into clients’ Finance divisions to figure out their business needs and advise clients on using market leading ERPs (SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Workday) to meet their Finance needs

  • Lead teams to build digital finance transformation solution based on most common market platform, like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft or Workday to cover specific client needs

  • Create change plans and lead efforts that help your clients help their people embrace the changes that come with transformation of their Finance functions

  • Articulate how RPA and Analytics apps keep building your Platform Finance know-how by staying current on market innovations and the latest developments

  • Use your expertise to cement Accenture’s position as a Digital Finance Transformation thought leader and collaborate with an international and multi capability network, belonging to an organization among the most evolved in the world, for methodology, tools and way of working


Le tue caratteristiche

Skills requirements:

If you share our passion for consulting and have the following characteristics, we are waiting for you:

  • You got a degree in Economics, Finance or Engineering and you are fluent in English

  • You’ve been working in consultancy in the ERP implementation, accounting and reporting, leveraging on the main finance solutions like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft

  • You’re experienced in leading projects like planning and consolidation, with particular focus to functional process design (Record to Report, Order to Cash, Procure to Pay, Taxes), business blueprint definition, project plan governance and application deploy

  • You’re strongly interested onto the last developments in the digital finance (RPA, AI, Analytics, Process Mining) and you’re experienced in their implementation and deployment

  • You know how a company is working from main processes point of view, organization and main market applications to support it


Bari, Milano, Roma

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Dai il meglio di te ogni giorno, in un ambiente di lavoro che favorisce l'innovazione in tutto ciò che fai

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Con cinque centri di apprendimento regionali, classi connesse, corsi online e moduli di apprendimento, puoi prenderti il tempo per imparare, e farlo sempre

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