Historically, enterprises have been wary of getting locked into a platform they can’t get out of without a great deal of time and expense.
Lock in is not imaginary. It can happen. But the risk is often overstated. And it’s vital not to let it paralyze the organization. Put simply, you need to leverage at least some higher-order hyperscaler services and capabilities if you’re to have any hope of gaining the flexibility, agility and innovation a modern organization requires.
Committing to a hyperscaler relationship also doesn’t mean handing off all responsibility for managing your IT environment. Systems integrators and other ecosystem partners play a key role in maximizing the value from cloud. And, of course, there is your own organization to consider. Make sure you have talent that can:
- Manage costs. You need a skilled team that can use transparency tools to ensure consumption and costs do not escalate.
- Optimize for the cloud. To start unlocking next-level value, you want to modernize applications or look for SaaS alternatives.
- Build the new. You need the technology skills and a culture of innovation to build the products, services and experiences that will fuel future growth.