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Private equity and the rising cost of cyberattacks

março 3, 2023 5-minutos de leitura


In brief

Why private equity firms are prime targets


of our clients see an uptick in cyber incidents during the month of a deal closure.


is the average ransom paid for mid-sized companies.

1 in 2

lack cyber insurance. For those companies that do, insurance costs will likely go up after a claim.

Cyber Champions achieve lower costs per attack

Five steps to improve cybersecurity

Rethink the cyber model

Building internal capacity is neither fast nor necessarily useful. Instead, have someone else do the blocking and tackling.

Improve how you approach due diligence

PE firms can limit their due diligence efforts to a week, to then double down on remediation opportunities before deal announcement.

Provide basic security hygiene

There are often quick wins that don’t require significant interventions yet increase the resilience of the portfolio company. 

Reduce your blast radius

Not everybody should have access to everything. A quick review followed by one-time remediation prevents overly open access.

Ensure incident response readiness

Prepare for the worst with a tested response plan. The damage of an attack can oftentimes multiply because of misguided communication and uncoordinated action.

Increase resilience with ease and at speed

Paolo Dal Cin

Global Lead – Accenture Security

Ramnath Venkataraman

Senior Managing Director – CTO and Managed Services Lead, Private Equity

Brian Crandall

Senior Managing Director – Private Equity

Bleuzenn Pech de Pluvinel

Managing Director – Private Equity

Martin Metz

Managing Director – Accenture Security

Frequently asked questions