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SAP-powered localization solution for MNCs

August 18, 2022 5-MINUTE READ


In brief

Conformity with local regulations

Importance of China business and time-to-market

New technologies

Digital technologies are the key to success in the Chinese market. New technologies are being widely applied by companies to power their future growth. According to the GfK Global Roper Reports®, nearly 44% of surveyed Chinese internet users are willing to embrace new technologies, at 12% higher than the global average.

New customers

Chinese customers and consumers have more power and influence than ever before. Digitization has given them new choices. They know what they want, where they want to buy and how they want to be supplied. The Chinese consumer market has become the number-one driver of national GDP growth, with a value of 44 trillion Yuan in 2021.

New competitors

Leading companies in China are caught in a perfect storm. They’re wedged between digital giants and thousands of innovative small to mid-sized brands. Xiaomi launched its TV business in 2013 and captured 19% of the domestic TV market share in six years. Now it’s considered to be the top competitor among household appliance manufacturers.

New business models

One-size-fits-all business models are redundant. Chinese consumers want their own, relevant experiences and they expect companies to be ready to provide them. At the same time, the spectrum of opportunities created by the Metaverse and the need for compressed transformation based on cloud will force businesses to reinvent.

Ensuring adequate IT resilience

Roadmap for MNC localization in China

Compliant and future-ready with SAP solutions

A global luxury fashion group integrated its Retail & Wholesale from two legacy ERP systems into a single global Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform.

Scale across globe at speed with SAP S/4HANA

To tackle current challenges and achieve growth targets, a leading Japanese cosmestics manufacturer developed an ERP transformation strategy.

Meet the team

Cliff Zhou

SAP Group Lead, Accenture Greater China

Salvatore Lo Presti

Lead – SAP Business Group, Asia Pacific & Growth Markets

Related capabilities

RISE with SAP. SOAR with Accenture.

Move your business to the cloud and gain value faster.

Accenture X SAP

Helping you unlock the value of your SAP application portfolio with the power of intelligence, innovation and industry.


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