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Greater transparency reduces asset risks

Why intelligent asset management matters


of manufacturers believe flexibility is critical to growth


of investments in new industrial assets will fully incorporate intelligent asset design features by 2026

30 years

to 50+ years is the amount of time Industrial Intelligent Assets typically operate


of global manufacturers use data from connected devices to analyze their processes and identify opportunities to improve

What you can do

Align your corporate strategy with asset management business functions to create a more agile operating model. Assess risks, processes and technologies that will monitor and provide insights into asset performance.

Integrate your enterprise asset management and asset performance management systems. This will streamline your workflow, enabling you to make longer-term asset management goals and increase your asset performance.

Use advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to create a complete view of operations — one that can be understood by business users and help ensure safe, efficient, and reliable operations.

Enhance safety and productivity by “connecting” your workforce. Giving your people ready access to asset information and data will improve their productivity and mitigate risks, reducing downtime.

Embed lasting change and unlock your workforce potential by using change management programs that help your people adopt change, new technology and processes.

Use your asset management strategy to reduce your energy use and identify risks. Digital threads, for example, help you trace the origin and lifecycle of your assets — enabling responsible sourcing and sustainability.