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Brands need to seize the opportunity to reinvent consumption by doing their part to change mainstream culture.
We spoke with Lan Guan, Global Lead for Accenture’s Generative AI Center of Excellence, about the transformative power of this emerging technology.
Build resiliency in MedTech to thrive in a changing world. Invest in technology, embed resilience in design, and develop a multi-skilled workforce.
Discover the three steps talent leaders can take to align generative AI with an organization’s technology, data and ways of working.
Financial engineering is taking a back seat to operational value creation. Here are three areas where we see this playing out.
How can board members help embed sustainability into their organization? For starters, they need to be, “Nose in, fingers out.”
Sustainability is top of mind for today’s travelers. And yet, travel companies face several “say-do” gaps. Here are six ways to close them.
Digitizing value chains has never been more important as organizations increasingly rely on technology to deliver unique experiences.
Companies could unlock a trillion-dollar opportunity by embedding social sustainability into their core strategy and operations.
Energy efficiency is where cost and sustainability first meet in many industries. Here’s how to drive savings and accelerate the net-zero transition.
How will technology shape the future of border services? We examine three top trends: digital identity, data management and generative AI.
Cyber criminals have long focused their efforts on Windows. Now they’re increasingly targeting macOS—with exploits trading for millions of dollars.
Travel has never been more high-tech—or more exciting. These are the four trends companies must embrace to thrive in this new era.
We analyzed 200+ energy companies. Here’s what the leaders are doing differently across competitiveness, carbon, connectivity, customers and culture.
Private equity is facing an unprecedented level of disruption. Fortunately, there are ways to navigate this new landscape—four, to be exact.
Tune in to the Built for Change podcast series featuring leaders who are successfully reimagining the future of business.
Stay ahead of change—explore our new thought leadership app for a personalized feed of insightful perspectives that prepare you for what’s to come.
Every role in every enterprise has the potential to be reinvented by generative AI. As we embrace our new co-pilot, these are the skills to build.