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Corrosion management

Identify & correct corrosion before it's a problem

Digital corrosion management

Potential consequences

The challenge

Uncertainty of zones/lines at risk

Inspection is often reactive and can often lead to further corrosion. Traditionally, inspections are based on a priority list of perceived risks based on known pipe/vessel design parameters and observable equipment condition only. As a result, sites of corrosion can easily be missed or equipment over inspected.

Unnecessarily large scope & frequency

At times, large areas of insulation may be removed and vessels taken offline unnecessarily, due to a lack of supporting data to enable effective decision-making.

Time consuming & costly

Removing insulation and taking assets offline is time consuming and costly and requires significant downtime and/or equipment isolation. Additionally, cutting plugs introduces a fresh source of potential moisture penetration and hence further corrosion.

Safety concerns

To perform inspections, workers need to access hazardous areas and/or work from heights. Additionally some non-destructive techniques require the use of radiation which introduces additional risks.

Our solution

Acquire & monitor: Enhanced visibility and system

  • Risk-based Inspection Methodology
  • Pipeline Integrity Management Systems (PIMS)
  • Asset Integrity Division Readiness
  • System and Data Integration enabled by Accenture’s Asset Data Analysis and Processing Tool (ADAPT)

Predict and optimize: Advanced analytics

  • Image and Video Analytics to detect surface defects and signs of corrosion
  • Advanced Analytics and Deep Learning using maintenance, design, operations, environmental, and historical data

Apply and close loop: Cognitive automation

  • Real-time, Interactive Equipment Monitoring by combining 3D modelling with Accenture’s Active Network Model for Corrosion Management
  • Pipeline Inspection using robotic crawlers and drones
  • Digital Inspection Technologies, including nanotechnology, ultrasound, laser spectrometry and optical non-destructive testing

Key benefits

The results


Reduced costs of inspection between 10 and 20%


Increased uptime and productivity by more than 10%


Increased asset integrity, resulting in increased asset life by over 20%

Greater productivity via digital transformation

BP powers productivity with sustainable solutions

Meet the team

Michael Poland

Managing Director – Industry X, Intelligent Asset Management Global Lead

Jurgen Weichenberger

Chief Data Scientist