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Redefining the way the world connects


"People say that our advantage is that we are a greenfield operator, but I believe it is our people and work culture. We are not a telecommunications company – we are an IT company with highly skilled IT engineers, and that is a huge advantage."

— Tareq Amin, Rakuten Group Executive VP & Rakuten Mobile CTO

What Accenture did

Accenture helped design the new organization and operating model behind the world’s first fully virtualized mobile network1, including new roles, responsibilities and KPIs.

Accenture created fifty-plus fully virtualized processes, reimagining traditional processes including virtual network functions (VNF), service reliability engineering (SRE) and more.

Accenture created a new network engineering capability, defining and deploying solutions to improve observability of the network, network performance, problem management, and architectural integrity.

Rakuten Mobile and Accenture merged network and IT, infusing DevSecOps and Agile into the organization, established a continuous integration/delivery platform and facilitated the use of automation.

Accenture set up and operationalized Rakuten Mobile’s Service Experience Center (SXC), a next-generation concept helping Rakuten Mobile accelerate network performance and improve stability.

Accenture helped to create a zero-touch network through the Rakuten Network Operating System (RNOS), enabling network intelligence, automation and a true 360-degree view of the network and customer.

People and culture

Value delivered

Meet the team

Andrew Walker

Senior Managing Director – Communications & Media, Global

Tunc Yorulmaz

Lead – Networks, Global

Shashi Samar

Managing Director – Communications, Media, & Technology

Aurelio Nocerino

Managing Director – Technology Strategy & Advisory, Global 5G Delivery and Capability Lead
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