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Board Committees

The board of directors (the “Board”) has four standing committees: The Audit Committee, the Compensation, Culture & People Committee, the Finance Committee and the Nominating, Governance & Sustainability Committee.


Audit Committee

The Audit Committee oversees Accenture’s accounting, financial reporting processes and audits of financial statements and internal controls.

The Audit Committee’s primary responsibilities include the oversight of the following:

  • The quality and integrity of Accenture's accounting and reporting practices and controls, and the financial statements and reports of Accenture
  • Accenture's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
  • The independent auditor's qualifications and independence
  • The performance of Accenture's internal audit function and independent auditors
  • Accenture’s ERM program and information technology risk exposures, including cybersecurity, data privacy and data security and related risks

Compensation, Culture & People Committee

The Compensation, Culture & People Committee oversees Accenture’s global compensation philosophy, policies and programs.

The Compensation, Culture & People Committee’s primary responsibilities include the oversight of the following:

  • Together with the Nominating, Governance & Sustainability Committee, conducting an annual review of Accenture’s performance and Accenture’s chair and chief executive officer’s performance
  • Setting the compensation of the chair and chief executive officer, the executive officers and the members of our global management committee who also serve on the executive committee
  • Overseeing Accenture's equity-based plans
  • Reviewing and making recommendations to the full Board regarding Board compensation
  • Overseeing Accenture’s strategies related to Accenture’s people, including matters such as pay equity, inclusion and diversity, leadership succession and culture, and monitor related risks

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee oversees Accenture’s capital and treasury activities.

The Finance Committee’s primary responsibilities include the oversight of Accenture’s:

  • Capital structure and corporate finance strategy and activities
  • Dividends, share redemption and purchase activities
  • Treasury function, investment management and financial risk management
  • Insurance plans
  • Major acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures or similar transactions

Nominating, Governance & Sustainability Committee

The Nominating, Governance & Sustainability Committee oversees Accenture’s corporate governance practices and processes.

The Nominating Governance & Sustainability Committee’s primary responsibilities include the oversight of the following:

  • Assessing and selecting/nominating (or recommending to the Board for its selection/nomination) strong and capable candidates to serve on the Board
  • Making recommendations as to the size, composition, structure, operations, performance and effectiveness of the Board
  • Overseeing Accenture's chief executive officer succession process
  • Together with the Compensation, Culture & People Committee, conducting an annual review of Accenture’s performance and Accenture’s chair and chief executive officer’s performance
  • Developing and recommending to the Board a set of corporate governance principles, including independence standards
  • Overseeing ESG performance, disclosure, strategies, goals and objectives and monitoring evolving ESG risks and opportunities
  • Overseeing political, lobbying and other grassroots advocacy activities and Accenture’s policies and practices regarding such activities
  • Taking a leadership role in shaping the corporate governance of Accenture