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For businesses to grow, people must thrive

Why HR Transformation matters

$10.3 trillion

in potential economic value by 2038 if organizations adopt responsible, people-centric approaches to gen AI at scale.


is the possible increase in top-line productivity when you activate the growth combination of data, tech and people


of CEOs say the CHRO should play a central role in driving long-term profitable growth


of people’s working hours could be impacted by generative AI

What you can do

Use insights from data and AI to understand which capabilities are needed most and find and attract the people who have them.


High-performing CHROs are more than 2x as likely to invest significantly in skills development for the enterprise — and they recognize that technology is an integral part of that process

Unlock your people’s potential by optimizing people-related data, innovating through technology like generative AI and automating strategically.


of workers see the value in working with gen AI, and 82% say they already have some understanding of the technology.

Adapt your talent strategy at speed and scale to align with business needs and solve systemic challenges.


of CEOs say their CHRO should be responsible for a culture of innovation across the enterprise

Our leaders

Michael Benyamin

Managing Director – Talent & Organization, HR Transformation & Delivery Global Lead

Allison Horn

Managing Director – Talent & Organization, Talent Transformation Global Lead

Irene Blecher

Global Talent & HR Business Lead for Managed Services