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Media & Entertainment Spotlight

"By rewiring media and entertainment organizations to flex fast, they can do more than watch their customers outgrow them. They can grow with them. At speed."

— JOHN PETERS, Managing Director and Lead

Issue 5: Rediscover your purpose & embrace dynamism



Reinvent for growth

Accenture explores how media companies can move to profitable growth by helping consumers get everything.


Ad-funded video’s powerful return

Explore how streaming companies can make the most of ad-funded video while beginning an evolution of consumer connection that goes beyond video.


Streaming’s Complex Consumer

Explore why understanding the streaming consumer’s full DNA through cross-platform insights must be an urgent priority for streaming services.


Case studies

Empowering film creatives with digital twins

Walt Disney Studios’ StudioLAB and Accenture created digital twinning tools to support the next generation of filmmaking.

Globo: A broadcaster's sequel

Globo teamed up with Accenture to implement its transformation journey into a mediatech company.

The Future of M&E Marketing