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Accenture Research

Thought leadership to stay ahead of disruption

Reinventing with a digital core

To capture the value if generative AI—or the next disruptive technology—companies need a digital core that is “reinvention ready.”

What we think

Reinventing the consumer goods value chain

It’s time to move from thinking functionally to developing end-to-end mega processes.

Banking in the age of generative AI

Accenture identifies five imperatives that banks should address to reinvent in the age of generative AI.

Reinvention in the age of generative AI

Reinvention works. It’s achievable. It’s actionable. And AI and generative AI are super-charging progress for organizations that embrace it. Go beyond transformation — act now to pull ahead of the pack.

Ecosystem partners

Meet our lead

Francis Hintermann

Global Lead – Accenture Research

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