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Intelligent workplace: The post-pandemic office

A new workplace under COVID-19


UK workers believe flexible working will increase long-term

Digital Twin

Digital Twins pave the way for significant improvements in how we monitor and manage building operations and present a number of use cases that are beneficial in the context of COVID-19.

Planning optimisation

Modelling via a Digital Twin can help HR and facilities management optimise floor layout to reduce the numbers of people working in close proximity, as well as monitor the situation in real-time to limit the number of people within specific zones in a building.

Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics provide a means by which employers can model against ‘what if’ scenarios. This ability provides companies with unprecedented flexibility in an ever-changing world that increasingly demands rapid adaptation.

Remote monitoring & management

The ability to manage a building through a Digital Twin helps reduce the number of people required in the office, making it safer for those who need to be there. Facilities team members, for example, are able to monitor HVAC, electrical and mechanical equipment remotely, with the option to schedule physical on-site visits if required.

Encouraging workers back to the office

If employees can do their job from home, what drives them to come into the office? The answer could transform the function of tomorrow’s office space.

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