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Ever-ready IT infrastructure


December 21, 2021

In brief

  • As technologies evolve, opportunities to achieve business value and cost savings are on the rise, but mounting tech and talent debt can stand in the way.
  • Companies must evolve how they architect, develop and operate tech infrastructure—including compute, network, workplace and data platforms.
  • Accenture’s Stabilize-Optimize-Transform approach helps companies modernize their infrastructure to achieve cost benefits an innovation opportunities promised by cloud.
  • Other key considerations for companies include building a strong network to meet your Continuum needs and creating the right workplace environment.

How to modernize your infrastructure and cut costs

Ever-ready infrastructure needs a solid and stable footing on which to build. That’s true whether your goal is unlocking business value and innovation for today or preparing the organization for the Cloud Continuum tomorrow. Either way, enterprises need to evolve away from a capital intensive, hardware-oriented infrastructure discipline to one that is software-defined and intelligent.

Accenture uses a stabilize-optimize-transform approach to modernizing infrastructure that also helps companies save on costs. The best part? The timing of each step is flexible. So a business can enjoy the benefits of stability and optimization today—then kickstart a transformation at the time of its choosing.


Introduce automation to increase quality, reduce costs and build the foundation for a multi-speed operating model that supports a hybrid landscape.


Free-up funding, people to focus on full-stack innovation. Continually re-engineer infrastructure to align with strategic business goals.


Continue re-engineering the infrastructure landscape while introducing new Cloud Continuum capabilities to accelerate value and unlock innovation.

Take the first step towards cost-saving transformation

Once, the focus of enterprise cloud technology was all about the public cloud. Today’s leaders recognize it’s about leveraging a continuum of capabilities—one that spans everything from multiple public clouds to on-device edge computing. Those who can harness the Continuum are using the cloud not just as a single, static destination, but as a future operating model. They do this by dynamically balancing public, private, hybrid, co-location, multi-cloud, and edge with advanced practices to support the ever-changing needs of the business. Even companies that don’t choose to expand into the Cloud Continuum must manage their infrastructure and people in a cloud-like way. Otherwise, performance will suffer, cost will continue to rise and the ability to innovate will be limited. For those that do choose to exploit the transformative opportunities offered by the Cloud Continuum, their landscape must be engineered to support it. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but a few core elements need to be in place to tap into the value of the Continuum.

Migrating your people to the cloud

According to our research, cloud leaders who transformed their people along with their technology achieved 60% higher ROI on cloud investments, than those who focused solely on the technology. There are three “no-regrets” people moves for the Infrastructure workforce that have the biggest impact on value : alignment, ability, and adoption.


Redefine the operating model for cloud: enabling collaboration between IT and business, engineering and operations and human and machine intelligence.


Reskill infrastructure talent in cloud across multiple disciplines—from XaaS to continuous integration and development.


Support infrastructure workers to embrace new ways of working by setting clear expectations, adjusting performance metrics, and creating incentives.

What’s needed now is an infrastructure focused on continuous innovation, automation and optimization that enhances companies’ competitive advantage.

Find the right landing zone in a new hybrid/multi-cloud world

Leading organizations recognize that value ultimately doesn’t come from the infrastructure itself, but from what it enables. The lesson? Be led by the needs of those who use the infrastructure. For enterprise IT, that means taking a user-centric, application-centric and data-centric approach to infrastructure. That way, an organization can exit the data center and define the best infrastructure landing zone for each application or dataset, taking into account both the value potential and the cost of migration. Accenture’s Seven Rs methodology is our framework for guiding these decisions. Hybrid infrastructure is the inevitable outcome of this business-centric approach to enterprise IT. It’s a hybrid multi-cloud world, and enterprises need a hybrid infrastructure to match.

Building a network to meet your Continuum needs

With greater numbers of cloud-based workloads and ever-increasing amounts of data flowing throughout the enterprise, the network can easily become a bottleneck. The good news is that networks are becoming far more automated, integrated and software-defined. In particular, SD-WAN technology is transforming networks into platforms, enabling them to be configured and managed in a faster, more automated, efficient and agile way. With 5G also poised to enable enhanced cellular connectivity and private network capability, enterprises will have a range of agile options as they rethink their networks. And as organizations adapt to the post-COVID “everywhere, anywhere” workplace model, this agility will be essential.

Creating a workplace to thrive in the Continuum

Enterprise infrastructure has implications for all dimensions of the new hybrid workplace—the human, the physical and the digital. The key objective? To use the huge growth in compute power and data volume to reduce friction in the workplace and deliver time- and cost-saving insights. Leading organizations are already taking automation to the masses and giving more levers of control to the individual. Others are adopting a “process improvement as a service” model through a centralized hub or external provider. The Continuum also can be used to empower individuals in new ways, from smartphone-enabled access to physical and digital spaces, to augmented reality experiences for remote workers, to integrated digital workspaces that give employees access to everything they need in one primary environment, which can help streamline costs associated with day-to-day work processes.

Harmonizing the IT estate across the Continuum

The Cloud Continuum calls for a radical rethink of both the management platform and the operating model. Cloud management platforms help manage cloud environments with stricter security and compliance and increasing transparency across different infrastructure components, but Accenture believes enterprises should go further. By evolving the concept of a cloud management platform into a Continuum Control Plane, the organization can extend its strategy beyond a pure technology focus to encompass the entire complexity of the enterprise. That includes the processes for building and consuming Cloud Continuum capabilities, as well as the skills and capabilities of the people who use them. With a Cloud Continuum control plane, organizations can unlock new agile operating models that accelerate concept-to-cash cycles and enable better experiences for customers and employees. In short, a Continuum Control Plane provides the best of both worlds: the stability that’s essential to controlling cost and the agility that’s critical for future growth and innovation.

Build ever-ready infrastructure for today—and get ready to unleash your competitiveness tomorrow

The Cloud Continuum is the natural evolution of enterprise IT. It enables reinventing the business through continuous innovation, powered by various types of cloud capabilities. But it’s hard to move forward when you’re spending so much just keeping the lights on. That’s why a modern infrastructure is essential.

When an organization is ready to realize next-level cloud value, it will need to rethink its approach to technology infrastructure, networks, people and workplaces. Those who can find the right balance will realize the cost-saving benefits cloud promises while unlocking new levels of competitiveness and innovation opportunities.

It’s an exciting future for enterprises. And it all rests on having a stable and optimized infrastructure foundation. That’s why the enterprise IT focus is clear—creating ever-ready infrastructure for today, while planning for a new tomorrow in the Cloud Continuum.


Philippe Chauffard

Senior Managing Director – Infrastructure Engineering, Cloud First, Global Lead

Yaarit Silverstone

Senior Managing Director – Talent & Organization, Global Strategy Lead & Americas Lead

Ricky Santos

Global Lead, Technology Portfolio Delivery Management