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AVENUES VR solution: What it is

How it works

Why it matters

Benefits of learning in virtual reality


reduction in turnover.


of experienced workers report improved observation, inquiry and interpretation skills.


reduction in training time compared to traditional training.


reduction in training resource costs.


Taking on Racial Bias in Child Welfare

Awards and recognition

AVENUES in action


An opportunity to practice observing, inquiring, and interpreting human behavior, especially when what people say and what they do don’t match up. Learn more.


An opportunity to practice navigating power dynamics and managing conflict, particularly when it might rise to the level of violence. Learn more.


An opportunity to deepen our understanding of how and when race bias enters our decision-making process. Learn more.


An opportunity to focus on how trauma impacts us over generations and to consider ways to help people begin to heal. Learn more.

Ms. Garcia

An opportunity to practice understanding what young children are trying to tell us when they are not using words to do it.


An opportunity to practice empathy with families trying to navigate the complexities of public assistance programs.


An opportunity to experience a difficult series of meetings with a caseworker from a parent’s point of view.


An opportunity for those considering  careers in human services to experience the dynamics of fieldwork.


An opportunity to practice difficult conversations with children in a developmentally appropriate way.


An opportunity for new police officer recruits to improve communication with citizens (US & UK versions).


An opportunity for police officers to improve their ability to think critically on their feet in tense environments.


An opportunity for health professionals to improve their understanding of the increased mortality rates among pregnant black women.

Case studies

AVENUES in the news

Using VR to improve child welfare services

Facing a high turnover rate, Indiana's Child Services Department used VR to better prepare family case workers for a tough job. Read more.

Virtual reality can improve employee retention

Indiana Department of Child Services decreased staff turnover by 31% and laid the foundation for a data-centric transformation. Read more.

Accenture wins GLOMO award for VR mobile app

The Accenture Virtual Experience Solutions (AVENUES) has won “Best Mobile VR or AR” at the GSMA GLOMO Awards 2019. Read more.

Our leaders

Molly Tierney

Managing Director – Public Service, Child Welfare, North America

Naomi Wass

Senior Manager – Accenture Song, Public Service Customer Experience