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Accenture Founders Development Program

Accenture's commitment to elevate historically underrepresented entrepreneurs and founders

"Our Founders Development Program mission is to empower entrepreneurs by facilitating access to capital, securing contracts, and fostering a supportive community. We are committed to ensuring that every entrepreneur, regardless of background, has the resources and support they need to thrive."

— DUJON SMITH, Global Investment Lead, Accenture Ventures and Accenture Founders Development Program – Lead

Accenture Ventures model for change

Strategic investment

Investing in emerging technology startups to fill strategic innovation gaps for the Global 2000. Our focus has expanded across North America, the African diaspora, Europe & Growth Markets.

Community engagement

Building localized networks of meaningful relationships with historically underrepresented entrepreneurs and founders, VCs, and influencers plus access to “Best of Accenture” resources and people.

Thought leadership

Consistently challenging orthodoxies in VC by conducting and publishing data-driven research, accelerating change in the technology industry.

"Historically underrepresented founders and entrepreneurs continue to innovate but face bias and lack access to capital and opportunity in the venture capital community, receiving a disproportionately small amount of funding. Big change is clearly needed, and Accenture Ventures is helping to lead that change."

— Paul Daugherty, Group Chief Executive – Technology and Chief Technology Officer at Accenture

Our advisory council

Robert E. Knowling, Jr.

Chairman at Eagles Leading Partners. LinkedIn

Kay Koplovitz

Co-founder & Chairman, Springboard Enterprises. LinkedIn

Dr. Charlton McIlwain

Vice Provost for Faculty Engagement & Development at New York University. LinkedIn

Corey Thomas

CEO, Rapid7. LinkedIn

Meet our lead

Dujon Smith

Global Lead – Black Founders Development Program