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Real time gross settlement on distributed ledger

Real-time gross settlement token-based exchange

Showcase the first step in the future of horizontal and vertical interoperability of payment systems & DLT using SAP & R3 Corda.

Co-innovated prototype design uses currency tokens to facilitate end-to-end settlement.

Conventional payment via RTGS, direct DLT token transfer bypassing RTGS, hybrids via RTGS involving one DTL-enabled bank and one conventional bank.

Tokens serve as a proxy for standard central bank fiat currency, and use cryptography to increase security and authenticity.

Interaction with RTGS systems delivers nearly seamless interoperability between conventional and token-based payments.

Ensures complete visibility of DLT payments to the central bank. Promotes robustness in payment systems via DLT enablement.

"RTGS systems with DLT and cryptographically secure tokenized payments help central banks improve efficiency and security. The process designed with SAP and R3 demonstrates the next stage of efficiency in payment systems."


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Meet our lead

David Treat

Global Metaverse Co-Lead and Innovation Incubation Group Lead