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Make responsible AI pervasive and systematic in the enterprise

Why responsible AI matters


of organizations say they’ll commit 10% or more of their total AI budget to meeting regulatory requirements by 2024


of leaders believe that at least part of their business will be affected by the proposed EU regulations specifically


of companies say they have fully implemented responsible AI across their organization, but 31% expect to do so in the next 18 months

What you can do

Adopt responsible AI principles that include clear accountability and governance for its responsible design, deployment and usage.

Understand the risks of your organization’s AI use cases, applications and systems, using qualitative and quantitative assessments.

Perform ongoing testing of AI for human impact, fairness, explainability, transparency, accuracy and safety. Use top responsible AI tools and technologies to mitigate any problems.

Consistently monitor AI systems and oversee responsible AI initiatives while executing mitigation and compliance actions.

A responsible AI compliance program will need to engage cross functionally to address workforce impact and compliance with laws, sustainability, privacy and security programs across your enterprise.

Our leader

Arnab Chakraborty

Chief Responsible AI Officer