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Italian Bilingual

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00201071 Full-time

Job Description

  • Document Translation tasks (e.g. Requirements, Designs, e-mails, Tickets, Error information, etc.) from English to a foreign language (indicate language) and vice versa 
  • May require interpretation service during conferences or meetings with counterparts, clients, and vendors. 
  • Initiate and implement Quality Assurance and process improvement activities 
  • Assist in Capability Development of bilinguals by conducting coaching or language training activities 
  • Research, compile and learn business, tools and technical terminologies 
  • Use and contribute in strengthening translation tools to increase productivity 
  • Willing to be cross-trained on technical (SAP, Oracle, SFDC, Service Desk, etc.) or project management/support tasks 
  • Work with teams and diverse range of people 
  • Work in a Service Desk setting involving spoken and written communication in the foreign language (non-English) 
  • Work on a project as technical support (SAP, Oracle, SFDC, Service Desk, etc.) 
  • Other language-related tasks as may be defined and assigned from time to time 


  • Preferably a Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, or other relevant fields. Undergraduates with language proficiency are welcome to apply 
  • Able to effectively communicate, verbally and in writing, in both English and Italian language  
  • Experience in providing customer service, analytical testing, quality assurance testing, or other relevant experience 
  • Familiarity with MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint 
  • Experience in analysis, troubleshooting, problem solving and project management 
  • Must be willing to work on holidays, weekends, shifting schedules and extended working hours 



Mandaluyong City, Taguig

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