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Site Reliability Engineering App/Cloud Support Manager

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00167409 Full-time

Job Description

Apply innovative ideas to drive the automation of Delivery Analytics at the client level.


  • Resolving the most common infrastructure issues
  • Automate all manual efforts and achieve touchless operations
  • Create and improve the processes of all CFIE projects resulting in the increased availability of the systems
  • To reduce the cost in operations, through effort savings and decreased SLA penalties




  • Must be skilled in at least one 1 operating system Windows, Unix or Linux
  • Must be skills in at least two 2 cloud platforms AWS, Azure or Google
  • Must be skilled in automation using different automation tools
  • Knowledgeable in Database Administration SQL or Oracle and network systems
  • Knowledgeable in Site Reliability Engineering concepts
  • Certification in AZ-900 is a must
  • Knowledge and experience in the following is an advantage:
  • Web Application Systems and knows how to resolve issues and optimize it
  • Monitoring Tools and Monitoring Tools Integration
  • Availability and Capacity Management
  • Skilled in Infrastructure as a Code tools
  • DevOps
  • Minimum 4 year(s) of experience is required


Mandaluyong City, Muntinlupa, Quezon City, Taguig

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