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Vendor Services Specialist

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00163727 Full-time

Job Description

Level: 9 Specialist/Consultant

Organization: Learning

Function Team: Vendor Services


  • Vendor license/Voucher management work as required
  • Learner Engagement training roster management and communications for vendor programs  
  • Vendor training reports 
  • Assessment on the license consumption for assigned vendor  
  • Conduct specific research based on client request to narrow in on the best options from among current vendors and others in the market for given skills and target audience
  • Acknowledge Service requests for vendor research, comparison and analysis for a skills need being fulfilled and work as advisory and liaison for the end to end request together with Accenture Operations Teams (Procurement Team and Contract Services)
  • Analyse vendor offerings and provide side-by-side comparisons to help the client decide which vendor to use
  • Document vendors researched on Prospective Tool and keeping it accurate
  • Providing research support and articulate to specific areas as part of curation for the Learning Ecosystem (execution for the mkt intelligence and vendor rationalization)
  • Provide comparison per research to alternatives to skills being leveraged via different processes and vendors locally within Ecosystem Vendors
  • Communicate with end clients, learners and vendors and vendors in gathering information, discussing scope of needs/offerings, etc.
  • Work on approvals required for the services
  • Provide Data clean up support for the Vendor Ecosystem to skills in use
  • Work on 1 vendor profile pagers for Vendors in the ecosystem (gathering what they bring to relationship, skills, how they engage with Accenture) in support of the Vendor Catalog Tool (evolving work)
  • Support ad-hoc reports and initiatives to consolidate how we make progress against a particular skill
  • Advice leadership levels or team leads how to track the progress of their teams and learning completion 
  • Support existing Vendor Mngt working in collaboration with team
  • Collaborate with two leads: voucher lead and vendor management lead 
  • Report on client feedback to team members
  • Support data reconciliation for tuitions as needed


Basic qualifications 

  • Minimum of 3 years of learning experience
  • Minimum of 3 years of client stakeholder management 
  • Minimum of 3 years experiencing research and analytics 

Preferred Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree 
  • Minimum of 3 years of project management  
  • Minimum of 3 years of problem-solving experience  
  • Pluralsight knowledge would be a plus 
  • MS Teams, Excel, and Microsoft Outlook  

Professional Skill Requirements 

  • Proven ability to work creatively and analytically in a problem-solving environment 
  • Ability to work and manage ambiguity as part of change journey  
  • Experience in Learning and the associated technologies 
  • Good analytics and research skills  
  • Proven skills to manage a learning program and associated vendor operations  
  • Excellent communication skills, written and oral 
  • Advanced Internet/Research experience 
  • Curiosity 
  • Must be a self-starter and highly motivated 
  • Must be comfortable with ambiguity 
  • Vendor relationship management experience 
  • Address issues through a partnering and trust-based approach 
  • Have a bias for action, experimentation, and iteration 
  • Develop and evolve partnerships and ecosystems in support of our continued success 
  • Champion a pervasive coaching mindset


Mandaluyong City, Taguig

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