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LTE RAN Optimization Engineer (Nokia and Huawei Experience)

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00159469 Full-time - Hybrid

Job Description

Accenture is seeking a skilled Telecom Engineer who will be instrumental in both Single Site Verification & Optimization (SSV) and Cluster Optimization for Nokia and Huawei network elements. In the SSV capacity, the engineer will be responsible for ensuring each telecom site's integrity and compliance with design and coverage specifications. This will involve conducting detailed alarm checks, auditing antenna configurations, and performing drive tests to guarantee optimal site performance. Transitioning to Cluster Optimization, the role expands to encompass the enhancement of network performance across multiple sites. Key responsibilities include conducting comprehensive pre and post-optimization drive tests, meticulously applying physical and parameter optimizations, ensuring parameter consistency pre-optimization, and effectively managing capacity optimization. The role also demands proficiency in optimizing advanced systems like Massive MIMO (LTE/NR), including beam, pairing, and coverage optimization, along with traffic balancing. A significant part of the role involves monitoring and optimizing benchmarks (such as Ookla and Facebook), ensuring exceptional experiences for High Valued Customers, and improving Voice & Video KQIs. The engineer will be expected to provide detailed optimization reports and meet stringent optimization improvement targets. This position requires a balance of technical expertise, attention to detail, and a broad understanding of network performance dynamics.


  • Perform 2G, 3G, 4G FDD & TDD, 5G NR NSA technology single site verification & optimization and cluster optimization following strict SLA.
  • Conducting on-site surveys & evaluating survey reports to verify RF installations. This includes checking antenna placements, orientations, and cable connections to ensure they comply with design specifications. Able to provide mitigation solution on antenna obstacle or blockage.
  • Provide guidance and manage field testing resources, guide on test scenario creation.
  • Perform parameter consistency audit, generate scripts required for parameter changes for Nokia network elements.
  • Perform Massive MIMO Optimization (LTE/NR) including but not limited to, beam optimization, pairing optimization, coverage optimization, traffic balancing, spectral efficiency improvement.
  • Identifying and resolving RF issues but not limited to such as signal degradation, interference, or coverage gaps, accessibility issues, call drop, data integrity issues. This requires a deep understanding of RF principles and the ability to diagnose complex problems.
  • Perform OSS based KPI optimization or troubleshooting for Accessibility, Retainability, Mobility, capacity, and data throughput KPIs.
  • Perform capacity optimization management not limited to congested cell handling, load balancing using L1 or parameter or feature level tuning.
  • Perform VoLTE, OTT Voice KPI improvements not limited to call setup time, voice call quality, CSFB, SRVCC.
  • Perform crowd based KPI optimization (ookla, facebook, umlaut crowd, opensignal) utilizing data analytical skill.
  • Create change request, method of procedure documentation, work with project management tools for E2E delivery of the tasks.
  • Preparing detailed reports documenting the site configuration, test results, and any optimization steps taken. This also involves maintaining accurate records of site visits, changes made, and performance improvements. Submission of acceptance report to client, provide justification on solution, exclusion till acceptance approval.
  • Handle high value cluster and VVIP customer complaint troubleshooting and provide analysis while maintaining strict SLA.
  • Provide process improvement solution while working on the project scope to improve efficiency.
  • Working closely with other engineering teams, such as network design and maintenance, to ensure seamless integration and functionality of RF systems.
  • Staying abreast of the latest RF technologies and industry standards. Implementing new technologies and practices to enhance network performance.
  • Ensuring that all RF installations and optimizations adhere to relevant industry standards and government regulations.
  • Interacting with clients or end-users to understand their requirements and address any RF-related concerns they may have on regular basis.
  • Keeping up to date with the latest advancements in RF technology and continually developing skills through training and professional development.
  • Act as a mentor to internal and external stakeholders to transfer knowledge.


  • Bachelor of Engineering, qualifications ideally Telecommunications/Electrical/Electronic
  • Deep understanding of 2G,3G,4G,5G site detail design and solution for Nokia/Huawei vendor equipment.
  • Having deep understanding of Huawei 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G features, feature related parameters, license model and upcoming roadmap, Nokia network elements.
  • Able to work with tools but not limited to Nokia: NetAct, Plan Editor, EdenNet, Amdocs: ActixOne, Actix Analyzer, QGIS, Tableau, Power BI.
  • Able to work with tools but not limited to Huawei: U2020, PRS, Taishan, Discovery, PS SEQ, CEM, Amdocs: ActixOne, Actix Analyzer, QGIS, Tableau, Power BI.
  • Ability to perform both drive test and drive less data driven optimization. Able to perform deep dive analysis of failures from drive test logs and provide optimization solutions.
  • Capability to perform parameter consistency audit, generate scripts required for parameter changes for Nokia/Huawei network elements.
  • Ability to perform crowd based KPI optimization (ookla, facebook, umlaut crowd, opensignal) utilizing data analytical skill.
  • Analytical problem-solving ability.
  • Excellent computer skills including but not limited to Microsoft office suit, GIS software.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and relationship building skills.
  • Time management, risk management and prioritization skills.
  • Flexible to switch between different roles within project scope.


Mandaluyong City, Taguig

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