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Python Programming Language

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00147031 Full-time

Job Description


  • Design and implementation of low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications
  • Integration of user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server-side logic
  • Writing reusable, testable, and efficient code
  • Integration of data storage solutions
  • Assists with the data platform blueprint and design, encompassing the relevant data components
  • Collaborates with the Integration Architects and Data Architects to ensure cohesive integration between systems and data models.



  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or other relevant fields
  • With 3 years or more of relevant work experience
  • Expert in Python, with knowledge of at least one Python web framework (Django, Flask, etc)
  • Able to integrate multiple data sources and databases into one system
  • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools (Git, Mercurial or SVN)
  • Familiarity with event-driven programming in Python
  • Knowledge of user authentication and authorization between multiple systems, servers, and environments
  • Able to create database schemas that represent and support business processes
  • Understanding of the threading limitations of Python, and multi-process architecture
  • Understanding of server-side templating languages (Jinja 2, Mako, etc)
  • Understanding of front-end technologies, such as JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3
  • Understanding of accessibility and security compliance
  • Understanding of fundamental design principles behind a scalable application
  • Understanding of the differences between multiple delivery platforms, such as mobile vs desktop, and optimizing output to match the specific platform
  • Able to create database schemas that represent and support business processes
  • Strong unit test and debugging skills



Cebu City, Mandaluyong City

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