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GN-Strategy- Corporate Strategy & Growth- Consultant

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00194901 Full-time
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Please be informed that at any given point in time, you can only have one "Active" application.

Job Description

About the role:

The Strategy Practice is a part of Accenture Strategy and focuses on the CEO’s most strategic priorities. We help clients with strategies that are at the intersection of business and technology, drive value and impact, shape new businesses & design operating models for the future.

We provide you with a great learning ground, deep-rooted in Business Strategy, where you will get an opportunity to advice and work with our key global clients, driving end-to-end transformative strategic value and business growth. As a part of this high performing team, these are some of the initiatives you will drive:

  • Mergers & Acquisitions: Support clients in their inorganic growth agenda across the deal lifecycle, i.e., target screening, synergy assessment, due diligence, post-merger integration and portfolio interventions.
  • Operating Model & Org Design: Partner with CEOs to architect future proof operating models embracing future of work, workforce and workplace powered by transformational technology, ecosystems and analytics.
  • Corporate Strategy & Growth : Accelerate measurable and sustained growth for clients with an unrivaled set of data-driven capabilities from strategy to execution.
  • Sustainability & Responsible Business: Work with our ecosystem partners, help clients reach their sustainability goals through digital transformation.

Bring your best skills forward to excel in the role:

  • A Strategic Mindset to shape innovative, fact-based strategies and operating models
  • Issue Based Problem Solving to decode and solve complex and unstructured business questions
  • Analytical and outcome-driven approach to perform data analyses & generate insights
  • Business Acumen to drive actionable outcomes for clients with the latest industry trends, innovations and disruptions, metrics and value drivers
  • Financial Acumen and Value Creation to develop relevant financial models to back up a business case
  • Communication and Presentation Skills to share the perfect pitch with key stakeholders
  • Client handling skills to develop, manage and deepen relationships with key stakeholders



Your experience counts!

  • MBA from a tier 1 institute
  • Post MBA – 3.5+ years experience in one or more of the following: Corporate Strategy, Growth & expansion strategy, Business strategy Transformation, Shareholder Value Analysis, Organization Strategy, Pricing and Profit Optimization, Growth and Innovation, Strategic Planning


Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Mumbai

Please be informed that at any given point in time, you can only have one "Active" application.

Please be informed that at any given point in time, you can only have one "Active" application.

What people are saying about us

"Best Company to work with"

Current Employee - Software Test Engineer in Bangalore


Pros: best work place, flexible timing, work from home

Cons: Work life balance depends upon the project. Full Review



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