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GN- Strategy- M&A and Private Equity- Analyst

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00194572 Full-time
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Please be informed that at any given point in time, you can only have one "Active" application.

Job Description

The Practice- A Brief Sketch:

The Strategy Practice is a part of Accenture Strategy and focuses on the CEO’s most strategic priorities. We help clients with strategies that are at the intersection of business and technology, drive value and impact, shape new businesses & design operating models for the future.

We provide you with a great learning ground, deep-rooted in Business Strategy, where you will get an opportunity to advice and work with our key global clients, driving end-to-end transformative strategic value and business growth. As a part of this high performing M&A/Private Equity team, these are some of the initiatives you will drive:

  • Support clients in their inorganic growth agenda across the deal lifecycle, i.e., target screening, synergy assessment, due diligence, post-merger integration and portfolio interventions.
  • Lead day-to-day execution of complex consulting projects for Private Equity and Corporate clients across Pre-Deal phase, Deal Execution phase and Value Creation / Scaling of Portfolio/Target firms
  • Ensure timely, high-quality delivery to clients through effective team collaboration; define deliverables; prioritize and set deadlines; review work, provide feedback and ensure quality control
  • Support RFP discussions, prepare proposal documents (e.g., proposed solution, deliverables, teaming, timelines, price etc.) and deliver Client Orals working closely with Accenture Bid Managers and Client Account Leads
  • Contribute to the development of new assets / IP, thought capital and POVs/Offerings raising the profile of your team and the firm leading to demand generation
  • Conduct and facilitate Brown Bag sessions, direct/indirect mentoring, and dissemination of knowledge to upskill fellow team members and attend trainings / get certified on emerging concepts to stay relevant in the market

Bring your best skills forward to excel in the role:

  • A Strategic Mindset to shape innovative, fact-based strategies and operating models
  • Hands-on experience of working in a Private Equity working with top Private Equity firms or Consulting firms advising PE clients across Pre-Deal / Deal Execution phases and Value creation / Scaling of Portfolio companies
  • Experience of M&A Deal Advisory including Commercial Due diligence, Sector/Firm Research, Target Screening, Post Merger Integration, Separation Planning and Execution, Portfolio Value Creation, PortCo Growth Strategy, PortCo ESG Strategy, PortCo Technology Transformation, Outsourcing. Also, experience in Tech M&A, including Technology Due Diligence, Platform/Digital Due Diligence, Technology Landscape Assessment, Technology Integration, Technology Separation
  • Deep industry experience in one or more of the following industries – CMT, Financial Services Resources, Healthcare/Life Sciences, Consumer Goods & Services or Retail
  • Issue Based Problem Solving to decode and solve complex and unstructured business questions
  • Business Acumen to drive actionable outcomes for clients with the latest industry trends, innovations and disruptions, metrics and value drivers
  • An excellent, established track record for selling and delivering consulting engagements.

Experience working with “C level” executive clients, with extensive experience in projects in which the primary stakeholder was the CEO; Chief Strategy Officer



  • MBA from a tier 1 institute
  • Post MBA, 3.5+ years’ experience in a Private Equity or a top-tier Management Consulting firm, advising Private Equity/Corporate clients on transaction lifecycle


Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Mumbai

Please be informed that at any given point in time, you can only have one "Active" application.

Please be informed that at any given point in time, you can only have one "Active" application.

What people are saying about us

"Best Company to work with"

Current Employee - Software Test Engineer in Bangalore


Pros: best work place, flexible timing, work from home

Cons: Work life balance depends upon the project. Full Review



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