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S&C Global Network - AI - Supply Chain Analytics - Consultant

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00194282 Full-time
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Please be informed that at any given point in time, you can only have one "Active" application.

Job Description

Entity: - Accenture Strategy & Consulting

Team: - Strategy & Consulting – Global Network

Practice: - Supply Chian Analytics  

Title: - Ind & Func AI Decision Science Consultant

Job location: - Bangalore/Gurgaon/Hyderabad/ Mumbai

Explore an Exciting Career at Accenture

Do you believe in creating an impact? Are you a problem solver who enjoys working on transformative strategies for global clients? Are you passionate about being part of an inclusive, diverse, and collaborative culture?

Then, this is the right place for you! Welcome to a host of exciting global opportunities in Accenture Strategy and Consulting

Candidate should have good understanding of statistics/analytical/optimization methods and approaches. The ideal candidate should be able to bring in meaningful data driven insights supporting with statistical concepts and apply the same in wider Supply Chain area. The candidate is expected to use data science skills to solve client’s business problem in the supply chain area. The candidate should have functional skill set and Supply Chain domain knowledge with ability to apply data science skill set to solve supply chain problems. Additionally, the role would require contributing towards asset development initiatives.

Mandatory Skills:

Must have:

  • Proficiency in data modeling developed through client projects. 
  • Extensive use of data-driven techniques including exploratory data analysis and data pre-processing to solve business problems. 
  • Proficient in using Python/PySpark programming for data manipulation, data visualization, and machine learning models with good hands-on experience.
  • Proficiency in any one of the Cloud solutions – Azure, GCP or AWS
  • Proficiency in SQL for data preparation, manipulation, and descriptive analysis
  • Proficient in supply chain domain 
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills

Good to have:

  • Experience on Simulation and Optimization
  • Visualization packages like Tableau/ Power BI
  • Exposure to tools like BY/ Anaplan/ o9/ Kinaxis /SAP IBP
  • Exposure to Client interaction
  • Exposure to business platforms (o9/Kinaxis/BY)


Experience and Education:

  • 5-6 years of experience in Machine Learning and/or Optimization Techniques.
  • Master’s degree in technology or engineering or quantitative field (e.g. MSc in Statistics and Operations Research, M Tech in Industrial Engineering, Applied Math/Statistics, Computer Science) 
  • Certifications in any one or two of the areas will be an added advantage: Python, AI/ML, Optimization, Simulation, any of the cloud platforms (Azure/ GCP/ AWS).


Gurgaon, Pune

Please be informed that at any given point in time, you can only have one "Active" application.

Please be informed that at any given point in time, you can only have one "Active" application.

What people are saying about us

"Best Company to work with"

Current Employee - Software Test Engineer in Bangalore


Pros: best work place, flexible timing, work from home

Cons: Work life balance depends upon the project. Full Review



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