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Senior DevOps Engineer

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00000916 Full-time

Job Description

ARE YOU READY to step up to the New and take your technology expertise to the next level?

Through unmatched industry experience, leading technologies from our ecosystem partners and startups, and the largest delivery network in the world, we provide a powerful range of capabilities that can be tailored to our client’s most complex business needs. With over 100 innovation hubs deployed around the world, we help clients continuously innovate at speed and at scale so they can outpace their peers. You will bring innovation, intelligence and industry experience together with the newest technologies to help clients innovate at scale and transform their businesses.

Technology is one of four services –the others are Strategy and Consulting, Song and Operations.


As a DevOps Engineer, you will be responsible for build, test and maintain the infrastructure and tools also, to collaborate with other team members to develop automation strategies and deployment processes. You will envision, estimate, define, build, and deploy Accenture’s solutions using standard delivery assets to improve clients' delivery approach.


  • Building and setting up new development tools and microservice infrastructure

  • Working on ways to automate and improve development and release processes

  • Analyzes the technology currently being used and develops plans and processes for improvement

  • Setup of new alarms and monitoring tools

  • Recommends performance enhancements by identifying alternative solutions

  • Troubleshooting and bug fix of different microservices and CI/CD pipelines

  • Writing technical documentation



  • Previous working experience as a DevOps Engineer for (4) years

  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or similar relevant degree

  • Working experience and knowledge of Docker, Kubernetes and/or OpenShift

  • Good knowledge with Linux systems such CentOS, RedHat

  • Strong scripting or programming skills for automating tasks (Python, Shell)

  • Knowledge and experience with Configuration tools: Ansible, Puppet

  • Experience with monitoring stacks like ELK, Grafana/ Prometheus and/or Influxdb/Telegraf

  • Knowledge and experience with Software Version Control systems: GIT, SVN etc.

  • Knowledge and experience with CI/CD tools: Azure DevOps, Jenkins, Gitlab and/or Travis CI etc

  • Familiarity with NoSQL and relational databases: MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, MS-SQL

  • Familiarity with networking architecture (e.g Load Balancing, TCP/IP, Routing)

  • Solid knowledge of protocols such as DNS, HTTP(S), LDAP(S), SMTP and SNMP

  • Hans on provisioning Public Cloud Infrastructure: Azure or AWS

  • Strong problem solving and communication skills


  • Competitive salary and benefits, including but not limited to: life/health insurance, performance based bonuses, monthly vouchers, company car (depending on management level), flexible work arrangements, employee share purchase plan, TEA Accenture, parental leave, paid overtime (if needed) and various corporate discounts

  • Continuous hard and soft skills training & development through global platforms & local academy

  • Career coaching and mentorship to help you manage your career and develop professionally

  • Ongoing strengths and skills based evaluation process

  • Various opportunities to develop your career across a spectrum of clients, industries and projects

  • Diverse and inclusive culture

  • Corporate citizenship initiatives (access to volunteering opportunities, charity work etc.)

  • Under our Brain Regain initiative, extra relocation benefits may apply

To learn more about Accenture, and how you will be challenged and inspired from Day 1, please visit our website 

The safety and well-being of our candidates and employees remain our priority. Please note that the recruitment process for opportunities in Accenture Greece will be conducted only via online format during the current period.


Athens, Thessaloniki

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