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Transforming the Business Support System (BSS)

March 23, 2021


In brief

Yet CSPs are struggling to respond

BSS transformation requires CSPs to embrace a leaner, agile, and intelligent infrastructure as the company’s backbone—and the way to do that is through the cloud.

Redefine the BSS

From legacy to intelligent BSS

  • Cloud-native infrastructure to fuel the move from legacy to a smart BSS that is more automated, responsive, personalized, and scalable and provides the agility to evolve to remain leading edge and affordable

From on-premise to cloud-based platforms

  • Serverless data platforms
  • Modularized, containerized “anywhere” data solutions
  • PaaS and SaaS as testing grounds for new initiatives
  • Lower IT infrastructure investment to free up budget for new business lines
  • Pluggable platform that preserves openness and interoperability with other platforms to build a true ecosystem environment

From point-to-point to decoupled data access

  • API management platform
  • Service platform virtualization to ensure communication service functional and technical decoupling
  • Decoupling techniques that enable “from prototype to production” with a low software and infrastructure investment and untethered from the telco core

From batch to real-time processing

  • Real-time data streaming and analysis for immediate decision making
  • Recommendations and predictions
  • Integrated with ERP and CRM systems

Accelerating the transformation with Accenture

The future

Adriano Poloni

Managing Director – Communications and Media

 Adriano is the Global Technology Lead for Accenture’s Comms & Media Industry and Blockchain Industry Lead.

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