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Navigating a virtual internship

October 27, 2021

Anthea Lam content
Anthea Lam content

With almost everything going virtual including internships, you may be wondering: what has changed and what should you do to prepare for it? In this article, we will be sharing various tips that we believe will be useful as you embark on your Accenture internship! Without further ado, let’s zoom right into it:

What has changed?

The main difference between the current and previous internship arrangements is that you will be primarily working from home. Fret not, as you will not be left to your own defenses!

Upon joining Accenture, you will be onboarded by our friendly campus recruiters. During the orientation, they will help you know the organization better and equip you with the tools and resources to get started.

You will also be attending check-in sessions where you can discuss career goals and performance expectations with your manager. These “checkpoints” also serve as great opportunities for you to request additional resources or support that will help bring out your best performance.

Along the way, you can tap into various learning resources such as our online e-learning portal, and join our virtual Learn over Lunch sessions to continuously upskill yourself during your time with us.

What has not changed?

Even though the internship is largely virtual, you can still expect to:

  • Gain real-world knowledge through hands-on experience, and be inspired by our leaders as they mentor you throughout your internship
  • Immerse yourself in the Accenture culture, build your professional network and join communities where you can exchange knowledge and ideas
  • Get a head start in unlocking your leadership skills. You’d discover your strengths as you take on challenges that will prepare you for leading the way in making a difference

Here’s how to make the most of your virtual internship:

  • Create a structure for yourself – It’s easy to lose track of time when you are working alone, hence it’s important to develop a work routine. Create a checklist of tasks you need to complete for the day and develop work plans for longer projects.
  • Take the initiative – With virtual internships being more self-directed, you do need to act and think more proactively. Look for opportunities to improve current processes or suggest new ideas to the team. No idea is too small, and your team will definitely value the fresh perspectives you bring!
  • Find time to understand the culture – Log in early for calls. This allows for informal conversations to happen which can help build your working relationship with colleagues. In addition, you can ask a team member if there is anything you should take note of before starting on an assigned task or a project. This way, you can have a better understanding of the project.
  • Communicate regularly – Aside from the checkpoints, it would be good to update your manager on your progress regularly. Speak to them to determine how often you should provide updates and the preferred channel of communication whether it be via a video call or email.
  • Build your network – Before starting your virtual internship, consider potential career paths you would like to pursue. This will make it easier for you to find people you want to follow or learn from.
  • Keep an open mind – Projects and opportunities may change from time to time. You may be tasked to support various projects and having an open mind would allow you to learn many things in Accenture. It is also crucial that you overcome the fear of seeking feedback from your peers and mentor, because that will truly allow you to see how else you can grow.

Here’s what some of our interns have shared on their virtual internship so far:

          I appreciate how my mentor scheduled fortnightly check-ins. Despite not being on the same project team, he ensured that I was achieving the goals that I have set during the onboarding process. In addition, there are opportunities to be staffed on multiple projects where you can get exposure to different industries. You will also be given some form of autonomy to decide what you wish to learn, depending on the availability of projects.

          Jie Min Cham

          "My internship experience at Accenture has been amazing as I am working with a great team and have had boundless learning opportunities. Despite having to work from home, my mentor and the teams I have been working with have been very accommodating from my first day. They would also regularly check in with me on how I have been progressing. I enjoyed learning from our meetings and the tasks that I’ve been working on. I am really thankful to my mentor for giving me opportunities to get involved in our project and learn how the different teams work together."

          -Kathyrn Chong


          Ready to reap the benefits of our internship program? Apply now for the Accenture Internship Program.


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          Copyright © 2021 Accenture. All rights reserved. Accenture and its logo are registered trademarks

          WRITTEN BY

          Cheryl-Ann Lim


          Anthea Lam