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How fresh diploma graduates can jump-start a career in tech

July 14, 2022

A woman in yellow top
A woman in yellow top

Now that you’ve successfully earned your diploma, it’s time to get your career underway. If you’re looking to enter the world of tech, you’ll find a wide range of opportunities out there. The question is, which one is the best for you?

Whether you’re interested in cloud, artificial intelligence, machine learning or other technologies, here are some practical tips to help you get off your career on the right foot:

  1. Look for a company where you can learn and grow.
    One thing’s for sure, there will always be something new to learn when you join the tech industry. To keep growing, find a company that can provide you with boundaryless opportunities to develop your skills. This way, you can build a solid foundation for your tech career.
  2. Consider the company’s reputation and standing.
    Before applying, it’s important to read up on the company that you have in mind. For instance, find out if they’re well-known in the industry and do research on their expertise. You can also look into top employer branding lists to see their standing and read what other people and organisations say about them. Everyone wants to be among the best. Doing your homework will help you know if the company you’re eyeing is the perfect stepping-stone for your tech career.
  3. Think attitude over aptitude.
    Do you feel like you don’t have enough experience or the right skills to apply for a role? Don’t worry as recruiters also look at a candidate’s potential to acquire new skills. The important thing is to demonstrate your eagerness to learn.
  4. Show your passion for tech.
    Consider enrolling in online courses or doing some self-study in your free time. This will give you a good background of the tech industry and make recruiters see that you have the right mindset and interest in the field.
  5. Find a company with a good work-life balance.
    Take care of your physical and mental wellness by looking for an organisation that emphasises work-life balance. After all, amazing work cannot happen without good rest. If you can, see if a company has policies in place that prioritise their employee’s well-being. This is one telltale sign that you’ll be in good hands.

Embarking on your tech career can be daunting. That’s why you should get all the support that you need. What better place to start than in a company that empowers you to accelerate your growth and provides you with boundaryless opportunities to unleash your potential?

To help fresh diploma graduates like you get your career off the ground, Accenture created the Tech Development Expertise Program (TDEP)—a comprehensive learning experience where you can deepen your tech specialisation and work on impactful projects alongside our industry experts. It also gives participants personalised mentorship, coaching and training.

See how you can match your ingenuity with the latest technologies as you begin your meaningful tech career. Apply for TDEP and begin working right here at the heart of change.


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          WRITTEN BY

          Emily Gay