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Growth and enrichment, times two

October 21, 2022

Heeren Dialani
Heeren Dialani

Hi! I’m Heeren Dialani, a Political Science and Economics major from the National University of Singapore. I’ve always envisioned Accenture as a company filled with hardworking people from a diverse range of backgrounds. I’ve also heard positive feedback from a close friend who previously interned at Accenture. These two things made me apply for the internship program.

I interned at Accenture not just once, but twice! I was very fortunate to have worked on two projects for a total of nine months, handling two distinct roles in the Financial Services and Health & Public Service industries.

Twice the immersion, twice the fun

In my first internship, I joined the project management team in Financial Services. I was tasked to design and operationalise a seamless onboarding process in Singapore, Malaysia, India and Europe. I also assisted in improving project-wide procedures to effectively communicate, manage and settle concerns. This enabled various project teams to call out and resolve key issues and dependencies.

During this time, I realised that I enjoyed people engagement, so I volunteered to form an engagement team within our project. I helped implement initiatives such as a monthly newsletter, a virtual cocktail-making workshop and get-togethers with our bosses.

For my second internship, I specifically requested for a role in Change Management, as I was drawn to its human-centric nature. I got assigned to a project in Health & Public Service, where I created multiple communication materials to help clients familiarise themselves with software changes. I also supported the preparation and execution of in-person and virtual client training workshops. Lastly, I also co-led the planning and execution of a large-scale internal event with my project team.

Day-to-day grind

Every day at work was different. My first internship was during the peak of COVID-19, so we all mostly worked from home. But because of my role, I was allowed to go to the office. This gave me the opportunity to interact with my superiors and introduce our new people to the team in person.

Being at the office also helped me have a great working relationship with my superiors and form a close-knit bond with my team.

During my second internship, the strong written and verbal communication skills and critical thinking abilities honed by my majors helped me shape effective communication materials, such as presentation decks, for clients. I was also able to compile, edit and present information for training materials, like videos and instructional showcases, in a succinct and articulate manner.

Our team this time followed a hybrid set-up, so we all came to the office twice a week and ate lunch together. Sometimes, we’d even have dinner and drinks together after work. Those days were really fun.

Initiative is the key to success

In my time as an intern, I discovered that as long as you do your work to the best of your abilities, you will be able to improve and grow.

I also learned the importance of collaboration and feedback. You can learn a lot from your colleagues. Talking to your superiors regularly to check your progress and tell them how you’re doing will also be helpful. Listening to their feedback and working on my weaknesses helped me in both of my internships. I believe that it allowed me to become a better employee for my project teams.

Lastly, working here helped me realize that I have the power to customise and build my own internship experience. If you’re looking to be an intern at Accenture, make sure you volunteer for tasks if you have the bandwidth to do so and keep yourself open to new opportunities.

Accenture was truly a place of firsts for me. It was my first time working in a corporate setting and organising and emceeing large-scale physical and virtual events. It was also my first time to have regular work dinners with colleagues-turned-friends. I genuinely had a lovely time, and I am really thankful for the experience!


Open yourself up to a world of new opportunities. Apply for our internship program today.



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          WRITTEN BY

          Interns of Accenture